A Peculiar People

As I write this, America has recently celebrated her 246th birthday. Call me idealistic, but despite her shortcomings, I still love this nation and believe that she is the best in the world. One reason for this belief is found in our motto, “E Pluribus Unum”, which means “Out of many, one.” We are a nation comprised of vastly different peoples. If I moved to Greece, I could never actually become Greek. Sure, I may obtain citizenship, but I will never fully belong as a native Grecian. If I moved to Russia, I could never become a true Russian. But if I move to America from anywhere else in the world, I can become an American.

The same is true of the church. Regardless of our point of origin, we are one in Christ. This was always Jesus’ desire. We see this reflected in his prayer found in John 17:20-26 where He prayed, “My they be brought into complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”

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